

By Hadassah Agbaps - November 23, 2015

Source: WomaninTheJungle

Transitioning is another way you could go natural.

 This is done by letting your natural hair grow out without chopping off your relaxed ends at a go, thereby maintaining your comfortable length.
As your natural hair grows out, gradually trimming off of the relaxed ends will finally result to a head of long,thick, natural coils!

Generally, most hair types grow about an inch or half an inch every month.
Depending on the length of natural hair you are most comfortable with, you may transition for a year or two before finally letting go of your relaxed ends..
This is not a rule though, as you may transition for longer than this with beautiful results. It all depends on you and what you are comfortable with....

Transitioning requires patience .
This is because as your coily natural hair grows out, you would be managing two different textures of hair- straight and coily.
It's at this point ,without the right information, that a new transitioner may be sorely tempted to either chop off the relaxed ends prematurely or relaxed the coily roots.....
This can be avoided with these simple tips I will outline below.

First, let's point out the pros and cons of going natural by Transitioning:-


- With Transitioning, you can maintain your current lenght of hair and regular styling while gradually growing out your natural coils.

- Transitioning gives you enough time to help you get accustomed to your natural hair unlike the big chop.
By so doing, it will give you enough time to gradually change your hair regimen and products to suit your new natural hair.

- Transitioning may make you more committed in keeping your natural hair without withdrawal syndrome of ditching your relaxer.

You'll be more confident about your decision to go natural without stepping far out of your comfort zone.


- Managing two different textures is a bit tricky...
For example in water, relaxed strands tend to stick together and is difficult to comb out while natural hair tends to swell up and separate in water making it easier to comb out.
On the other hand, natural hair tends to dry out easily, frizz up and is difficult to comb when dry while relaxed hair tends to be easier to comb when dry.
It is important to get a balance in moisture level that suits both the natural textures and the straighter relaxed ends.

- Styling transition hair can be a bit tricky especially if the natural roots are long enough to be noticed making it a bit bothersome.
All these can be avoided or reduced to a comfortable minimum with the right methods and products.



- When washing the hair,use tepid water.

-Apply a slightly diluted conditioning shampoo concentrating on the scalp and roots only.
This is because the coily nature of the natural roots prevent the natural oil of the hair (sebum) from flowing down to the tips of the hair resulting to build up on the scalp.

- Wash down to the tips in the direction of hair growth.
This helps to close up cuticles and reduce tangling. Depending on the thickness and length of your hair, it may be necessary to section your hair into manageable portions.

- Condition hair thoroughly from tips to roots, leave on for 5mins and detangle each section from tips to roots using a seamless wide tooth comb. The wider the better. Alternatively, you can detangle with fingers feeling each tangle and gently separating.

- Twist each detangled section and rinse off using cold water.

- Blot dry with a clean Tee.

- When hair is about 90% dry, apply a leave in conditioner or oil moisturiser and seal in with hair butter or oil.

- Leave hair to air dry.

* It is healthier for your hair to air dry but when pressed for time, you can blow dry hair on low heat pulling gently to stretch.

Depending on your hair texture, length and thickness, there are many beautiful hair styles you can try out.
Check out YouTube for tutorials of styles you love.

Common Transitioning styles are:-
- Box braids
- Mini twists
- Ghana weaving
- Buns
- Twist outs, braid outs and Bantu knot outs ( popular among transitioners)
- Full weaves ( properly installed without pulling at the roots )
- Wigs ( make sure to use a weave cap underneath to prevent rubbing the hair the wrong way)
- Blow outs and flat ironed styles ( use occasionally if ever on low heat with a heat protectant ).
- Cornrows and flat twists.
Flat twist and kinky twist extensions
Rollerset using permrods


Transitioners in the house, share your favorite transitioning tips!!!

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  1. Yay!This is my zone!.Long-term transitioner,I swear on the powers of keeping the hair stretched,not just light styles like twists and such,hard stretchy styles like banding,threading and once in a while a low heat blowout is great.I for one am partial to threading which is real popular in Nigeria,it has really saved my hair.Google and YouTube are a great help for styles.

  2. Another long term transitioner here... 19 months before the chop. Favourite thing- I stopped combing. It was just too much and I'm glad I did. I still don't comb. Then keeping the new growth stretched was everything.

    Naija girl next door

  3. hi, I'm 17 and I've just started my transition a month ago. I have a lot of questions but what I really need is a sample routine to be using before I am able to make my own. I make my own hair products I Dont buy Shampoo's, conditioners etc. can I I use my conditioner to detangle my hair then leave in or do I have to make a separate conditioner and leave in conditioner because my conditioner is really thick. advice pls, thank you


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